chris noble, world nomads

How do you feel that your history best prepares you for service on the ATCF Board? 

I have been the General Manager of, an adventure travel insurance and travel services provider for the past 10 years (15 years in total). We have also been an ATTA member for over 10 years. We have been at the forefront of digital and content marketing, having worked with over 25 ATTA member organisations across a multitude of programs and campaigns aimed at growing awareness and participation in adventure travel. This has lead to not only developing a highly profitable international business underpinned by a substantial community (over 1.5 million travellers) but more importantly done so through harnessing partnerships with likeminded adventure organisations. Those that want to leave a positive impact and create sustainable programs that support people, communities and our planet. That's what inspires me and working within the ATCF to that goal would be an honour.

Describe prior experience you have working with nonprofits and conservation groups? 

In 2005 after the Asian Tsunami, we developed The Footprints Network. Footprints is an organisation dedicated to fundraising through micro-donations technology. We do not implement projects itself but partner with specialist charities and NGO’s. The Footprints Network fund projects that broadly align to one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in effort to help end poverty and shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path by 2030. We believe that people will have come across many of these issues as they travel around the world and have a moral obligation to give a little back to do something about them. So far we have raised over $4.5 million dollars, from over 1.7 million travellers that have funded and completed 217 development projects worldwide. It's not the money we are proud of, it's that we've been able to tap into the hearts and wallets of over 1.7 million travellers that care as much as we do.

Outline the specific skills you bring or contributions you hope to make to the ATCF Board.

As above. I believe my strong marketing, leadership, partnership building skills combined with my passion for supporting the development of sustainable tourism programs makes me a strong candidate to join the team.

Why do you seek a position on the ATCF Board of Directors?

I believe through my experience with both and The Footprints Network that I can bring both the skills, passion and a different perspective on how to grow the impact of the work ATCF does. I am incredibly passionate about how to engage not just member organisations, but also travellers in general in ensuring that the work that the ATCF undertakes can have an impact beyond just the organisation membership. I want to help understand and create opportunities for all travellers to become both educated and ultimately advocates for sustainable tourism worldwide.

Describe any experience with sustainable tourism.

As above, we are working through Footprints to fund more projects based around sustainable tourism (such as - We are also working on a 'Full Stack' approach to funding sustainable tourism with a number of ATTA members and have been a secondary funding partner for ATCF since its inception.

Describe any experience working in fundraising and development.

As above - lots! :)

Describe any experience working with indigenous/community groups.

Through The Footprints Network we have funded organisations that work primarily with local and indigenous community groups. This has been core to Footprints and the SDGs have provided that framework to enable our funding to reach those communities most in need. To see this in action, go to -