Member Conservation Spotlight
To build upon the successes of our work together, the Adventure Travel Conservation Fund wants to take the opportunity to showcase our members who are already undertaking inspiring conservation projects (environmental or cultural preservation) taking place all over to share this wonderful work!
We invite you to submit stories that have a clear connection to the travel industry using the form below so that we can showcase them in our newsletter or social media channels to build greater momentum around collective conservation impact. Don’t be shy; we are more than happy to receive multiple stories and we will do our best to feature them whenever and however possible!
We would like to share stories that highlight:
Important conservation initiatives (environmental or culturally focused) that you are working on independently of the ATCF.
Lessons learned that you want to share with others looking to implement a similar type of project.
Demonstration of your company pursuing work that falls into the ATCF two grant criteria project categories: long-term protection of environmental resources and preservation of historical sites and indigenous tourism initiatives.
Thank you so much in advance for filling out the below form and we look forward to sharing this news with our member community!