ATCF Named Nonprofit of the Month by Wanderful

The women’s creator community Wanderful recently named ATCF its nonprofit partner for the month of September, donating a portion of its member dues and putting out posts about ATCF to its large social network.

As part of the initiative, board member Norie Quintos wrote an article for Wanderful, further spreading the word about ATCF’s conservation work. Read the article and learn how you can give back to travel here.

What is Wanderful?

Wanderful is a global network of like-minded female travelers, making traveling easier and more accessible for women. It’s massive network encourages members to find travel buddies, meet locals and connect with other adventurous women. The community gives members 24/7 access to travel tips and support from thousands of women around the world. Anyone that is interested in joining Wanderful can get involved through membership, chapters as well as events, and trips.

How does Wanderful give back?

Qunito’s article highlights the importance of supporting the travel destinations that support you. Whether this is staying in destinations longer, making ethical travel decisions, or donating to charity, everyone has the opportunity to give back.

Wanderful’s commitment to an equal and inclusive travel industry inspires thousands of women to see the world. From promoting women-owned businesses to educating their members on ethical decision-making abroad, Wanderful is paving the way for responsible female travelers. Their donation to the ATCF is another small, but impactful way, they support the communities that support them.

Conscious travelers, like the woman at Wanderful, make it possible for the ATCF to support community-driven conservation projects. The ATCF collects funds from membership, direct donations, and generous funding from its community partners. Small or large, donations go a long way in funding the protection of delicate destinations fighting to protect their cultural and natural resources.

If travel has been good to you, think about how you can return the favor.

Learn more about Wanderul on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.


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