Oceania Projects
The Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATCF) supports projects in Oceania to preserve the region's unique ecosystems, rich biodiversity, and vibrant indigenous cultures. By funding conservation initiatives in this diverse and fragile area, ATCF helps protect the natural heritage that is vital to local communities and the global adventure travel industry. Our commitment to Oceania ensures that these extraordinary landscapes remain resilient and sustainable for generations to come.
Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, AUSTRALIA
Award: 7,000 Funded: 2020
As part of FNPW’s Healing our Land initiative, our focus is to repair the damage inflicted on our country following devastating bushfire events. With over 12 million hectares of national park and bushland affected in the 2020 fires and an estimated one billion native animals losing their lives, the initiative will focus on the regeneration and recovery of Australia’s flora and fauna.
Nature Foundation, AUSTRALIA
Award: 7,000 Funded: 2020
The Fund takes a long-term strategic approach to re-establish critical habitat and undertake priority recovery actions in South Australia, particularly for threatened and vulnerable species. The Grants program has funded a range of projects that assist natural regeneration, pest plant and animal control, and fencing, through to technical activities such as species translocation and monitoring programs.
Award: 7,000 Funded: 2020
At WIRES, we are committed to providing immediate emergency aid for wildlife carers and rescuers in times of major natural disasters. Our focus is on regional, state, or national events that impact large numbers of native animals. Our Disaster Relief Program (DRP) offers essential assistance to those on the frontline of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation during emergencies.