Revitalizing Roots Through Community-Based Tourism, Colombia

The  project  aims  to  promote  traditional  knowledge and  agroforestry  revitalization  towards contributing  to  sustainable  food  systems  in  the  archipelago and  linking  community-based tourism. Two  ways  to  combat  and  mitigate  impacts  of  climate change:  restoration  of  ecosystems and  reduction  of  GHG  emission  related  to  the  supply chain  of  food  systems  in  the  islands, through  the  diversification  of  tourism  products  and the  implementation  of community-managed  nursery.


As a small island, any derived challenges comes from over-population that demands local terrestrial and sea food and poor tourism strategies such as all-inclusive trips. Both, causing overfishing and misuse of the land which threatens biodiversity and local customs.


Local families that bring tourism to witness the unique way of living and getting fresh and organic food in an isolated island of Colombia.

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This project has already been awarded $7,000 by global businesses in the travel and outdoor industries! Help them achieve even more impact and get to $10,000 by the end of this year.


The organization’s purpose is to perform scientific research to develop local strategies for restoration and conservation of both natural environment and human well-being. At Fundación Atuca we provide different research services, as well as the development of projects in favor of the protection and conservation of the environment. Our flagship service is the creation of meetings in which we merge environmental, social and economic benefits, promoting interdisciplinarity, strengthening Networks with social Actors and supporting local initiatives, working together to generate a sustainable ecological footprint.