South America Projects

South America boasts some of the planet's most iconic landscapes, ranging from the Amazon rainforest to the Andes mountains, each teeming with unique wildlife and rich cultural histories. The Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATCF) is committed to preserving these invaluable resources by funding conservation projects across the continent. Our efforts focus on protecting South America's diverse ecosystems and cultural heritage from the pressures of environmental degradation and cultural loss, ensuring that local communities and adventure travelers alike can continue to thrive in and appreciate this vibrant region.

  • Torres del Paine Habitat Preservation, CHILE

    Award: $30,000 Funded: 2017

    This Boardwalk Project provides a critical component on a new Alternate Trail route in Torres del Paine. Construction of the new trail will reduce environmental damage along a section of the iconic “W” trail in the Park which is suffering from over-use.

  • The Kayapó Project: Amazon Adventures Empowering Large-Scale Conservation, BRAZIL

    Award: $20,000 Funded: 2019

    This project links tourism directly with rainforest conservation by generating a sustainable source of income and other benefits for the indigenous communities that are protecting the forest. The project builds on a successful sport fishing tourism model with the Kayapo to help diversify and expand sources of sustainable income and resource management capacity.

  • From Horse Guides to Conservation Stewards, CHILE

    Award: $10,000 Funded: 2020

    Funding of this project will allow out of work arrieros (horse guides) affected by diminished tourism, to earn income while working for a much needed stewardship infrastructure project. This project will refurbish critical sensitive sections of the trail to Cochamó and provide wages to an invaluable workforce which keeps Cochamó afloat.

  • Strengthening Resilience in Chalalán Ecolodge, BOLIVIA

    Award: $10,000 Funded: 2020

    Recovering tourism after the pandemic in the heart of the Madidi National Park will secure future income for the indigenous Uchupiamonas families and stewardship of the natural capacities of the indigenous peoples living in this highly biodiverse landscape.

  • Regenerative tourism and conservation in Mataven Jungle, COLOMBIA

    Award: $15,000 Funded: 2023

    Strengthen the nature tourism and cultural immersion products offered by this indigenous group, motivating the development of an economic alternative that supports processes of conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage.

  • Revitalizing Roots Through Community, COLOMBIA

    Award: $10,000 Funded: 2021

    The project aims to promote traditional knowledge and agroforestry revitalization towards contributing to sustainable food systems in the archipelago and linking community-based tourism.

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