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Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck

Conservation Conversations with Mountain Travel Sobek

Massimo Prioreschi is the president and CEO of Mountain Travel Sobek, based in Emeryville, California. It is North America’s oldest adventure travel company specializing in group and custom adventure travel across the globe, including hiking, trekking, rafting, wildlife, and cultural journeys. With a focus on sustainable and responsible tourism, MT Sobek aims to provide travelers with immersive experiences while minimizing their impact on the environment and local communities. Mountain Travel Sobek is a member of ATCF at the Adventure Steward level. “Sustainable and responsible travel is more important now than ever before,” says Prioreschi. “As we continue to grapple with the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss, it is imperative that we all take responsibility for our impact on the natural world.”

How does MT Sobek approach the issues of climate change, over-tourism, and other problems facing places?

We believe in the power of responsible, small-group tourism to support local communities and mitigate these problems. We offer off-the-beaten-path destinations such as Algeria, Turkmenistan, and Iraq, and we explore lesser-known trails in popular locations like Yosemite and the Alps. We promote traveling during shoulder seasons to spread out tourism throughout the year and reduce over-tourism during peak months. We mostly use local guides to reduce the carbon footprint of moving guides around the globe. We also use public transportation where possible. In our commitment to fighting climate change, we support conservation efforts, minimize waste, and encourage eco-friendly transportation and carbon offset programs for our travelers.

You’ve come in as an Adventure Steward of the ATCF, a $5,000-level annual commitment. Why?

I’m personally committed to supporting conservation efforts and, as an Adventure Steward of the ATCF, Mountain Travel Sobek can amplify its impact by banding together with like-minded companies. By supporting organizations like the ATCF, we can help to protect the places we love by supporting projects that solve sustainability issues in the places where we travel and help ensure that future generations can enjoy them as well.

The history of MTS is fascinating and goes back to the early days of modern adventure travel. What has that given you as you look to the future?

The company has always had a deep passion for sustainable and responsible travel. It has always been at the forefront of the small-group adventure travel industry, and since the beginning recognized the importance of respecting and protecting the local communities and environment that we visit.

One of our core values is to use local guides. Travelers not only get a more authentic and immersive experience, but it also supports the local economy by ensuring the benefits remain there. Local guides possess an intimate knowledge of the culture, history, and environment of their home regions, and they can offer insights and perspectives that would be impossible to gain otherwise.

In the future, we will continue to prioritize the protection of the natural environment and local cultures. This means reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste and pollution both in the office and in the field, respecting local customs and traditions, and supporting local economies. By prioritizing these values, travel can become a force for positive change, promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation.

Tell us about a trip or place that changed you or your thinking.

A family trip to the Galapagos in 1997 had a profound impact on me. The wonder in my children's eyes as they interacted with the wildlife made me realize the importance of preserving these natural wonders for future generations. It was inspiring to see how wildlife can flourish while coexisting with travelers, but it requires a fiercely protective mindset from both visitors and locals.

The Galapagos Islands are an excellent example of the virtuous circle of conservation and tourism, balancing economic development with the protection of natural areas. The revenue generated from tourism provides the necessary funding for conservation efforts, which, in turn, helps to preserve the unique ecosystem that attracts visitors in the first place.


Learn more about Massimo Prioreschi and Mountain Travel Sobek on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!

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Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck

Conservation Conversations with Dan Moore

We asked longtime member and CEO of Pandion, Dan Moore, a few questions on the state of conservation and why he supports the ATCF.

We asked longtime member and CEO of Pandion, Dan Moore, a few questions on the state of conservation and why he supports the ATCF.

How does travel need to change and what role are you playing personally and/or as a company?

All travel needs to look through the lens of “net-positive.” This means that, while there are impacts from travel (e.g. carbon), in the whole travel needs to provide a net positive to the communities and environments being visited. This can include local ownership, community-led practices, and travelers feeling a sense of purpose upon returning home. Professionally, I offer training and consulting to travel businesses and destinations so they can do this better. Personally, I am on the board of some nonprofits working in this capacity.

You have been a supporter of the ATCF since the beginning, why?

ATCF is a good place to “put my money where my mouth is.” I talk about how travel should/could be positive for the places we visit, but this is a lot more complicated than it seems. ATCF is actually one way to give something back constructively. It is also special to be part of a community with like-minded companies and organizations. Community is important. There are several nonprofits out there working towards parallel objectives. ATCF could be a leader in bringing them all together to tackle bigger issues collaboratively. Additionally, I think there are some best practices that could be conveyed to the travel industry. I’m happy to be an ATCF member. It’s a tough time for nonprofits, but we are doing good work, and we need to do more.

Tell us about a trip or place that changed you or your thinking?

In 2012, I had a negative experience in a European country consistently ranked near the top of adventure travel that changed my perspective and the course of my work. While the destination was beautiful and travel offerings plentiful and organized, the guides I encountered ranged from mediocre to unsafe. Shortly after the trip, I had an opportunity to meet with Ajeet Bajaj from India-based Snow Leopard Adventures. Ajeet was extremely well prepared to demonstrate the quality and safety of his operation. He pulled out a thick three-ring binder detailing the level of training and safety standards his guides must reach and was able to tie their training to countrywide standards that he helped create in India. It occurred to me that certain countries are assumed, by both travelers and travel professionals, to be safer and of higher quality simply because they are wealthier and more “developed”. Whereas it is often assumed the opposite is true, based on inaccurate or harmful stereotypes, for destinations that are considered less “developed”. This is what inspired me to get involved with guide standards. Having an international metric for measuring the core competencies guides must possess, regardless of where they happen to guide, puts guides on a more equal footing and helps raise the bar for adventure travel globally.

ATCF member Pandion Consulting and Facilitation delivers industry training and facilitates tourism development programs around the globe. Founder and CEO Dan Moore has nearly two decades of experience guiding, training guides, and facilitating workshops. He also helped create the groundbreaking international Adventure Travel Guide Standard and currently serves on the Standard’s Governance Board.

Thanks for reading! For more stories and interviews keep exploring our adventure blog.

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Project Update: ATCF Grant Funds Trail Maintenance in the Cochamó Valley

Friends of Cochamo received a $10,000 grant from ATCF in 2020. JB Haab, program director of the Front Range Climbing Stewards and member of the board of Friends of Cochamo, gave us an update on the “From Horse Guides to Conservation Stewards, Chile” project.

Friends of Cochamo received a $10,000 grant from ATCF in 2020. JB Haab, program director of the Front Range Climbing Stewards and member of the board of Friends of Cochamo, gave us an update on the “From Horse Guides to Conservation Stewards, Chile” project.

“We have made major improvements to the main access trail leading into the Cochamó Valley, a U-shaped valley located in the Andes, in Los Lagos region of Chile. Not only did the trail need considerable work, but we also had many arrieros (horse packers) in the local community who were out of work and facing lost wages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which shut down tourism in Cochamó like many other places. These arrieros built a very impressive 805 linear meters of boardwalks, a five-meter long bridge, a 15-meter guardrail, and 845 linear meters of sustainable trail. Perhaps even more impressive was how these funds helped galvanize support, spurring the arrieros and our sister organization, Organización Valle Cochamó raised more money to pay for work that went over our budget and also inspiring the next generation of conservationists to continue this work in the future.”

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The Whales of Guerrero - Project Update

An update from The Whales of Guerrero, one of our 2021 Grant Winners. “Now that we know we can launch at least one land-based survey thanks to ATCF support, we have sprung into action! We dream of running 6 sites simultaneously and involving the whole community in the creation of a mother/calf humpback whale sanctuary in Guerrero.”

Here’s an update from The Whales of Guerrero, one of our 2021 Grant Winners:

Now that we know we can launch at least one land-based survey thanks to ATCF support, we have sprung into action! We dream of running 6 sites simultaneously and involving the whole community in the creation of a mother/calf humpback whale sanctuary in Guerrero.

Last week, we received permission from the government to work out of a lighthouse in front of the busy city of Zihuatanejo, where we know mom/calf pairs like to rest right at the surface and where there is a lot of boat traffic. We will be perched atop this lighthouse all season long learning how whales use the marine environment in front of Zihuatanejo and what threats they may face from boat traffic.

We have an incredible team of local citizen scientists and early career scientists in place and want to do more! We have scoped out ideal survey spots extending along a 75-mile stretch of coastline, from the surfer’s paradise of Troncones through all inclusive vacation mecca of Ixtapa to the busy fishing port and charming tourist destination of Zihuatanejo to the tranquil ecotourism village of Barra de Potosi. With your support, our team will spend a minimum of 4 days at each potential site this season to gather preliminary information about humpback whale resting birthing and nursing spots and share what we discover with local communities, involving them in the process so deeply that it will be only natural to create sanctuaries where moms and their newborn calves can rest, grow and gather strength for their long journey north.

We also designed, printed, and are hanging at every port of departure this week. In partnership with the safe whale watch captains who we love to empower and support.

Katherina Audley
Founder and Director
Whales of Guerrero


The Whales of Guerrero facilitates community-driven conservation in the fishing village of Barra de Potosí and throughout the southwest Pacific State of Guerrero, Mexico, pioneering a new approach to coastal protection that cultivates local leadership through citizen science, peer learning, and community outreach. After seven years of collaborative marine mammal research, the seeds of stewardship have taken root in our region. We want to help them bear fruit by galvanizing an emerging group of Fishery and Conservation Leaders who will lead the community toward long-term marine restoration and conservation. The Whales of Guerrero connects people with nature through programs that inspire and empower environmental stewardship.

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2020 Grant Winners - 6 Projects Funded

6 NEW conservation initiatives in Chile, Cambodia, Botswana, Palestine, and Bolivia. Our 6th grant winner, in Guyana, was funded by travelers from all around the world! During the month of December, we were able to raise over $10,000 in donations from individuals who care about conservation and the protection of our travel destinations.

2020 was a rough year for the entire planet but we still made an impressive leap forward in conservation by funding 6 NEW conservation initiatives in Chile, Cambodia, Botswana, Palestine and Bolivia.

Our 6th grant winner, in Guyana, was funded by travelers from all around the world! During the month of December, we were able to raise over $10,000 in donations from individuals who care about conservation and the protection of our travel destinations.

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Support for the Last Remaining Elephants, Cambodia

Continuing critical care for Cambodia's last remaining captive and wild elephants, restoring their forest habitat, and supporting the indigenous Bunong community during the Covid 19 Pandemic, enabling the project to continue to attract adventurous eco-tourists both.


From Horse Guides to Conservation Stewards, Chile

Funding of this project will allow out of work arrieros (horse guides) affected by diminished tourism, to earn income while working for a much needed stewardship infrastructure project. This project will refurbish critical sensitive sections of the trail to Cochamó and provide wages to an invaluable workforce which keeps Cochamó afloat.


The Elephant Express Conservation Bus, Botswana

The Elephant Express buses educate and promote human-wildlife coexistence by safely transporting vulnerable members of the community through an elephant corridor along which elephants move between key wildlife tourism areas.

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Homestay Family Training Program, Palestine

The purpose of the project is to conduct COVID-specific capacity-building training so that local communities can again welcome tourists and thereby continue to raise awareness of the need to protect the Palestinian environment, heritage, and unique communities.


Strengthening Resilience in Chalalán Ecolodge, Bolivia

Recovering tourism after the pandemic in the heart of the Madidi National Park will secure the future income for the indigenous Uchupiamonas families and stewardship of the natural capacities of the indigenous peoples living in this highly biodiverse landscape.

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From Horse Guides to Conservation Stewards, Chile

Funding of this project will allow out of work arrieros (horse guides) affected by diminished tourism, to earn income while working for a much needed stewardship infrastructure project. This project will refurbish critical sensitive sections of the trail to Cochamó and provide wages to an invaluable workforce which keeps Cochamó afloat.


Our mission to harness the travel community's environmental and cultural conservation efforts for maximum impact, means nothing with our the support of so many people who make this happen:

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Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck

Conservation Making Great Headway in Patagonia

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The Conservation Volunteers International Program (ConservationVIP) Project brought about a much-needed new trail to a region in the very highly trafficked Torres del Paine Park. In a park that witnesses an average of 150,000 international visitors per year, it’s paramount that conservation efforts take place to lessen the negative environmental impacts and strengthen the place for future travelers to enjoy! This project will be wrapping up at the end of February so stay tuned for a full report on all of the project successes!
To read about this project, it’s impacts, the origination of ConservationVIP and how this project made a difference for each of the people who contributed check out REI’s Squaring Travel with Conservation in Torres del Paine article.

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Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck

Natural Habitat Adventures: Ride 4 A Woman Seeding New Growth in Uganda

Outside of The Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda, life can be challenging and difficult to find jobs and career opportunities. Ride 4 A Woman initially began in 2009 by local women living just outside of the park as a bicycle rental shop focused on providing bicycles to tourists – a fresh way to earn income.  Over time, there grew a need to learn the skills for repairing bicycles. Now Ride 4 A Woman teaches locals valuable skills beyond just bike repair, including craft production for the tourism industry. All aspects of the project support entrepreneurial efforts for the Buhoma women. Natural Habitat Philanthropy came into the picture by purchasing two commercial sewing machines that have helped expand Ride 4 A Woman businesses within the local community. Today, more than 300 women from 11 villages now use or work at the Ride 4 A Woman community center.

How this fits into the larger ecosystem is that Natural Habitat Adventures recognizes that in order to save a species that attracts many adventure travelers, you need also the support of the locals who share their living space. The agricultural areas that push up against the boundaries of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park unfortunately exist as some of the most densely populated in Africa, and exhibit some of the fastest human population growth-rates in the world. To support the people and the conservation of the mountain gorillas which are key wildlife in this environment and a driver for tourism for the park, Natural Habitats Adventures decided to invest in women as an important lever for change for this community.

Countless studies have shown that when women have opportunities for more education and greater control over family finances, this results in smaller family size and increased health and well-being for the entire household. This directly benefits conservation of the mountain gorillas because smaller, healthier, more prosperous families have less need to encroach on the forest. Also, when women create businesses that serve the booming tourism industry, their families are more likely to want to protect the gorillas because they know they are benefiting from their presence.

The sales of the beautiful products created by the women from stunning African fabrics have become one of the key income streams supporting Ride 4 A Woman. Providing the organization with pedal sewing machines was vital in kickstarting their growing success and Natural Habitat Adventures is proud to have been able to spark this change. Besides pedal sewing and other activities, Ride 4 A Woman also offers micro-finance to budding businesswomen looking to create and build on their own entrepreneurial ideas. Over 100 women are currently engaged in the program across more than 10 different types of business initiative, ranging from second hand clothes stores to restaurants to tailor-made dresses and money transfer businesses.

Ride 4 A Woman has proven to be a successful business that supports The Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s people, wildlife and the community at large.  Thanks to Natural Habitat Adventures for their work in making such positive impacts for this important adventure travel destination!

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Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck Member Conservation Story Soraya Shattuck

World Nomads: Hard At Work Saving Generations of Sea Turtles

We posted this Member Spotlight Story back in an ATCF Newsletter in May, but wanted to highlight it again as fantastic conservation work showcased within the ATCF community.

In addition, after hearing some amazing stories at the Adventure Travel World Summit, ATCF wants to share more regularly member conservation stories so that we can learn and grow as a community together. If you are a member and have a compelling story to share that we can feature in our blog, please visit our Member Spotlight page and fill out a form or reach out to us with any questions.

The following video from ATCF member World Nomads produced in partnership with The Sea Turtle Conservancy documents the work these companies are doing in Costa Rica. This project’s aim is to reduce the impacts of climate change on sea turtles and promote eco-tourism around Tortuguero Beach, which hosts the largest green turtle rookery in the Western Hemisphere as a way to build sustainable conservation programs that provide revenue for local communities.

Read even more about this awesome project here.

Way to go World Nomads!

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